I’m not prepared, yet!

As most teachers are getting ready to begin their summer plans, I, and my Instructional Coach colleagues, are preparing for our NEXT school year.  Yes, that’s right.  We are already planning for August and beyond!

Our overarching purpose as Instructional Coaches is to ensure all new teachers receive strategic support in the areas of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.  This means our priority is to “take care of” teachers new to our district. Our purpose is achieved through a 3-year Induction Program where we provide continual job-embedded instructional coaching cycles, monthly after-school new teacher meetings, as well as a structured meeting process for the new teachers and their mentor.

All of this begins the day they are hired and we welcome them to KPS!  During their initial orientation in June, we acquaint them with our systems, curricular items, as well as resources that will help them become acclimated to our district.  We create an awareness of our support structures which are in place to ensure they are successful as they embark on their first year of teaching within the district.  All this may seem overwhelming at first, yet we continually refer to, and build upon all these foundational systems throughout the year. We are here for them!

Every May I think all this planning will become easier.  I think I’ll be more efficient…however every May I panic a little (ok, a lot) as I think of all the essential details which need to be integrated into our trainings to ensure their first introduction to our district is positive, beneficial, supportive, and exciting!  However, right now all I am prepared to say is, “Welcome to KPS!”  It’s a good thing I have until June 27th to be completely prepared!