Awesomizer or Awfulizer?  You make the choice!

I had the opportunity to attend a conference where Jimmy Casas was the keynote speaker.  I’ve followed him on Twitter (@casas_jimmy) for quite some time, however I didn’t really have any thoughts on who he was, what his message was, or know anything else about him.  Wow!  I really missed out on not knowing his message.  I walked away with a lot of thoughts after listening to his keynote and three of his sessions, however what resonated with me the most were two things.  1) Live your Excellence and 2) Be an Awesomizer.

Live Your Excellence

You need to model the behaviors you want to see repeated.  Is average OK for you?  Why do you not expect excellence?  If average is good enough for you, what kind of role model are you for your students and colleagues?  If you don’t expect excellence of yourself, how can you expect it of your students?  And if that is the case for you, I suggest you get out of education.  Education is hard and our students deserve for us to give excellence as well as expect excellence.  You need to model the behaviors you want to see repeated!

Awesomer or Awfulizer?  Which one do you choose to be?

Don’t get me wrong, I can complain, moan and groan about everything with the best of ‘em.  However, what does that get me?  Nothing!  It only makes me an Awfulizer!  So, from here on out (and please hold me accountable), I am going to be much more intentional in being an Awesomizer!  I will acknowledge the goods, bads, and uglies happening around me at work or at home, however I plan on focusing my energy on the good things! I mean who wants to focus on the negatives, or constantly criticize, or complain?  Not me!  I choose to be an Awesomizer!