I Can Virtually Teach Anything!

Seriously?  What?  I can’t do that!  No way!!  Not only no, but….NO!

Those are the thoughts and probably some of the words that came out of my mouth when I was told the district wanted me to be one of the Remote Learning Teachers for the year.  Are you kidding me?  Me?  Yep, me. There were only a few short weeks before school was to start and I had been preparing all summer to be a Reading teacher and now was expected to completely change course and become a Remote Learning teacher!?!?  Really?  Uh….OK.

The only saving grace in this situation was the person they chose to be my partner.  If I could have picked my own partner in this “adventure,” it would have been her!  She’s an amazing person, colleague, and friend!  We had worked together for several years at my school and also on numerous district committees. I could always count on her to “be real.”  When she transferred to a different school I missed watching her teach and really missed our “school talks.”

Well, now we are paired together and tasked with creating a remote learning program for our elementary students who are unable to attend school in person.  We’ve spent a lot of time discussing and hashing out pros and cons of how we could make this work and I have to say we’ve ROCKED IT so far!  We’ll see how it goes next week, but for now, my motto is, “I Can Virtually Teach Anything!”